How To Stop Snoozing the Alarm

Key Points
- There are a few things you can do to make it easier to get out of bed if you can’t stop hitting snooze in the morning.
- Get enough sleep so that you are well-rested in the morning.
- Follow a routine so that you wake and rise automatically at the same time every day.
- Set your alarm for a time that you can get out of bed consistently.
- Take B-SYNC ON before you go to sleep so your body has the energy to get out of bed in the morning.
- Get out of bed as soon as your alarm goes off.
- Start the day with something you enjoy so that you have something to look forward to.
We all know the feeling. You set your alarm for the next day, but when it goes off, you only want to snooze the alarm for 15 minutes and catch a few more minutes of sleep. But if you're trying to be productive, those extra minutes of shut-eye can turn into hours if you are not careful.
Before we explain how to stop hitting the snooze button, we will explain some of the downsides of doing so, why people delay getting out of bed, and then how to break the habit so you can rise more easily in the morning.
What Are the Downsides To Hitting the Snooze Button?
Hitting the snooze button can seriously affect your productivity for the day and even a feeling of rest long term. This is because when you snooze, you are not getting quality sleep. You are essentially dozing in and out of sleep, which leaves you feeling groggy and more tired than if you had just gotten up when your alarm went off the first time.
There are many downsides to hitting the snooze button, but some of the most common ones are:
Starting the Day on the Wrong Foot
You start your day off on the wrong foot when the alarm has been snoozed. You are telling yourself that procrastinating is okay and that you can do things later. It sets the tone for the rest of the day and can make it harder to focus on tasks and be productive.
We are our habits, so it is important to establish a good routine to be our best selves. If you start the day off by hitting the snooze button, you are more likely to have a lazy day.
Hitting the snooze button also gives you a false sense of security. The extra few minutes of sleep might make you feel more rested, but in reality, you are just prolonging the inevitable. You will eventually have to get out of bed, stop the alarm and start your day.
Disrupt Your Sleep Schedule
Another downside to hitting the snooze button is that it can throw off your sleep schedule. If you are trying to get on a better sleep schedule, hitting the snooze button can screw that up. When you hit the snooze button, you are fragmented in your sleep and not getting the full benefits of a good night's rest.
When you don't get that good night's sleep feeling, it can make you care less about being productive during the day. All you want to do is sleep, and you will be less motivated to get things done. Sleep deprivation can also have health consequences, according to, like increased obesity, heart disease, and more.
Feel More Tired
Lastly, hitting the snooze button can make you feel more tired when you finally get out of bed. When you use the snooze button, you wake up and then go back to sleep. Doing this can leave you with that groggy feeling and less rested than if you had just gotten up when your alarm went off the first time.
There is also a chance that you will wake up during REM sleep or deep sleep when you hit the snooze button. This can leave you disoriented and even more tired than when you first woke up.
Now that we know some of the downsides of hitting snooze, let's look at some reasons why people do it.
Why Do People Hit the Snooze Button?
If you've been hitting the snooze button, you're not alone. In a study done by Notre Dame University, 57% of participants admitted to hitting the snooze button. So why do people do it?
There are many reasons why people hit the snooze button, but some of the most common ones are:
Lack of Sleep
The main reason people hit the snooze button is that they are not getting enough sleep. They might be trying to get on a better sleep schedule or struggling with insomnia. Either way, if you are sleep deprived, you might be more likely to delay getting out of bed in the morning.
Not getting enough sleep can severely affect productivity, making snoozing even more tempting as the day progresses. Afternoon naps can be helpful, but getting enough sleep at night will be the best way to stop hitting the snooze button.
Waking Too Early
Another reason people hit the snooze button is that they feel like they are getting up too early. If you have an early morning, you might ask yourself why it is so hard to get out of bed, especially if you are not a morning person.
If you can’t get out of bed because it feels too early, you can solve this by going to bed earlier the night before or setting your alarm for a later time. It might not be ideal, but it can help you get out of bed in the morning.
You Don't Have a Routine
Some people hit the snooze button because they don't have a morning routine. You might not know what you need to do, or you may need more motivation to start your day. If you have a morning routine, it can be easier to get out of bed because you know your next steps.
A lack of routine can also affect sleep inertia which is that we tend to stay sleepy if we woke abruptly instead of without interruption, according to a study by Tassi and Muzet.
How To Stop Snoozing the Alarm
If you are ready to break the habit of hitting the snooze button, you can do a few things. Some are easy, like just getting out of bed, while others require a little more thought and effort. These are the best ways to wake yourself up.
Take B-SYNC On
If you have tried to get out of bed in the morning and just keep hitting the snooze button because you don't have the energy to get up, B-SYNC ON is the perfect solution. It is a supplement you take before bed that gives you the power you need to get up in the morning and start your day.
B-SYNC ON is a unique blend of vitamins and minerals that help you wake up feeling refreshed and energised, ready to start the day. It is the perfect way to get out of bed in the morning and avoid hitting the snooze button.
B-SYNC ON contains natural ingredients that are time-released after a full night's sleep, around seven hours after you take them. Only then does the blend of vitamin B5, B12, zinc, and caffeine kick in, powering your body to rise. These ingredients help you get moving without making you feel jittery or causing you to crash, unlike products like coffee.
In fact, B-SYNC ON is the only product that focuses on helping you rise before you wake up with its innovative technology. With this product, you'll wake up on time with the energy to stop hitting the snooze button. It's such an easy solution because all you have to do is take it before bed, and in the morning, you'll be powered with energy to start your day.
Get Quality Sleep
If you always hit the snooze button in the morning, you might not get the sleep you need to function during the day. You must ensure you get enough sleep at night to feel rested in the morning.
To get quality sleep, you should:
- Sleep enough hours by going to bed early.
- Have consistent sleep and waketime.
- Turn off the alarm and all electronics, or remove them from your bedroom entirely.
- Exercise during the day.
- Avoid large meals before bed.
Follow a Sleep Routine
One of the best things you can do to stop snoozing is to follow a morning routine. A set morning plan is one of the best ways how to stop oversleeping. You can try working out, eating breakfast, or taking a shower.
Whatever you decide to do, make sure it is something that you can stick to. Having a routine will help you get out of bed, but if you don't stick to it, you will still find yourself hitting the snooze button. A straightforward routine is the best to start with, and you can always do it later once you are consistent with it.
To start a sleep routine, you should:
- Choose a time when you will go to bed and stick to it
- Get up at the same time each day, even on weekends
- Do something calming before bed, such as reading or taking a bath
- Avoid screens for at least 30 minutes before sleep
- Create a Relaxing Environment
Set Your Alarm for a Later Time
If you struggle to get out of bed because it feels too early, try setting your alarm for a later time. This will give you more time to sleep and make it easier to get out of bed.
Of course, you don't want to set your alarm too late, or you will hit the snooze button again. Try setting your alarm for a time that you can realistically get out of bed and start your day.
Get Out of Bed as Soon as the Alarm Goes Off
Getting out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off is a great way to kick-start your day. It might not sound easy, but it can be helpful.
Don't give yourself time to think about the alarm when you hear the alarm. Just get out of bed and start your day. Doing this might be challenging initially, but it will get easier with time. If you still think of hitting snooze, count to ten and get up.
If that doesn't work, try putting your alarm across the room so you have to get out of bed, turn off the alarm and start the day. This will help you get out of bed and start your day by eliminating the choice to stay in bed.
Start the Day With Something You Enjoy
If you struggle to get out of bed, try starting the day with something you enjoy. This activity can be anything from reading a book to going for a walk. Doing something you want will help you get out of bed and start your day.
Doing things you enjoy is one of the best parts of life. So, why not start your day with something you love to do? You must find something that you enjoy and is easy to do. If you find something too difficult, you will be tempted to hit the snooze button again.
If you are struggling to get out of bed in the morning, there are a few things you can do to fix that. You can try following a routine, setting your alarm for a later time, or taking B-SYNC ON.
B-SYNC ON is a safe and effective way to get out of bed in the morning and start your day. It is a unique blend of vitamins and minerals that is one of the best things to wake you up feeling refreshed and energised, ready to start the day.
How do I know if I'm getting enough sleep?
You get enough sleep if you are rising in the morning without an alarm to wake you, lack dark circles around your eyes, sleep through the night, and have lots of energy during the day.
Why do I always hit snooze?
There are a few reasons you might hit snooze: If you hit the snooze button too much, you're likely not getting enough sleep, have a poor sleep routine, or are not motivated to start the day.
How do I stop sleeping past my alarm?
To stop sleeping past your alarm, get on a sleep schedule, improve your diet, get daylight and improve your sleep routine to get to sleep more easily.
Is it bad to let alarms wake you up?
Rising to alarms can stress you out and startle you, but if you have a good sleep routine, it's not harmful and can help you start the day at a reasonable time.